Oct 22, 2018

Beyond greatness

Remember the rosebud I wrote about metaphorically on the meant for greatness article?

well, here it is today (10/22/2018), it IS possible, stay brave, one step at a time. You absolutely GOT THIS!

Oct 5, 2018

Taking the ring to More-Door

132 days left for 2019, sunset in Tampa, FL., (c) Benjamin Leon 2018.

Once upon a time, there was a man who had lived for 0.032 millenia, and in this man there existed an ideal concept of marriage and being the head of a family. That man, as you may have guessed was me; now, having cleared that up, what you are about to read will not change your life, I only wish that it helps you broaden your array of options so that you may pick the best one, that is, if you have to take the ring to more-door, and destroy it in the fires of mount broom. (yes this title and references are inspired by lotr)

 First and foremost; you have to get rid of the physical evidence that the ring once came to you, and this is done with the sole purpose of freeing your thoughts and the feeling of being bound to someone when there is nothing more sustaining said bond.